Scientist Reveal What Cannabis Does to Your Bones…

A study was published by The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University. This study showed that a chemical in marijuana, known as cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD), strengthens bones and accelerates the healing of fractures, without causing any psychotropic effects.

The researcher Yankel Gabet explained:
 “We found that CBD alone makes bones stronger during healing, enhancing the maturation of the collagenous matrix, which provides the basis for new mineralization of bone tissue. After being treated with CBD, the healed bone will be harder to break in the future.”
The team of experts inflicted mild femoral fractures on rats, and then gave an injection of CBD to some of them, while others received CBD plus tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the ingredient that causes the marijuana high). They analyzed the healing between them and the rats that had not received any marijuana chemicals. Their conclusion was that rats injected with CBD experienced the same effects, regardless of the addition of THC.

Gabet added:
“We found CBD alone to be sufficiently effective in enhancing fracture healing. Other studies have also shown CBD to be a safe agent, which leads us to believe we should continue this line of study in clinical trials to assess its usefulness in improving human fracture healing.”

The same team previously found that the body contains receptors which respond to cannabinoid compounds, and they are not confined to the brain. This study showed that the skeleton has cannabinoid receptors which trigger bone formation and prevent bone loss, and the second study just confirmed this.

Gabet said:
“We only respond to cannabis because we are built with intrinsic compounds and receptors that can also be activated by compounds in the cannabis plant.”
This study is just a part of all research dedicated to the medical benefits of marijuana compounds, and new findings might stimulate researchers to analyze the positive effects of marijuana in the treatment of osteoporosis or other bone diseases.

Gabet added:
“The clinical potential of cannabinoid-related compounds is simply undeniable at this point. While there is still a lot of work to be done to develop appropriate therapies, it is clear that it is possible to detach a clinical therapy objective from the psychoactivity of cannabis. CBD, the principal agent in our study, is primarily anti-inflammatory and has no psychoactivity.”
The medical properties of marijuana are numerous, and it is primarily used to boost appetite in the case of AIDS, to lower the side-effects of chemotherapy, and to soothe chronic pain. Numerous studies claim that it can regulate blood sugar, decelerate the HIV progression, and treat multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.

Researchers have shown that CBD suppresses seizures, inhibits the metastasis of many aggressive cancers, and destroys leukemia cells.

The journal Neuropsychopharmacology published a 2013 study which discovered that CBD is as effective as one antipsychotic drug, which is commonly used in the treatment of schizophrenia and paranoia but causes no side-effects. Other studies have also found that CBD can be used as a safe antipsychotic.

Marijuana is still technically illegal under U.S. federal law, but 17 U.S. states allow the use of CBD for research or for limited medical functions. Plus, the laws of 23 other countries permit the medical use of marijuana.

Marijuana is still classified as having “no currently accepted medical use” by the federal government. What might be a change in this approach is the recent decision of the FDA to approve the use of CBD extracts an experimental treatment for the Dravet syndrome, a rare form of childhood epilepsy.

Image: Bernhard Ungerer/Flickr

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  1. articles that quote studies and then don't provide likes to the study or even tell you the name of the paper are pretty worthless.

    1. A reply with spelling errors does not deserve consideration.

    2. What an ignorant attitude!

    3. I agree.... but at the same time, you have research skills, no? They name the journal, they provide quotes from said articles, go google scholar them.

    4. you always dismiss information unless you are spoon fed all the facts/sources? Fortunately, many readers of articles that have word submission limits...have more intellectual curiosity/honesty towards getting to the truth. A 10 second Google search "what cannabis does to your bones - scholarly" yielded the underlying study. Your disinformation comment only illuminates either laziness or an intent to troll to interject disinformation.
      Cannabidiol, a Major Non-Psychotropic Cannabis Constituent Enhances Fracture Healing and Stimulates Lysyl Hydroxylase Activity in Osteoblasts. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2015; DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.2513

    5. you always dismiss information unless you are spoon fed all the facts/sources? Fortunately, many readers of articles that have word submission limits...have more intellectual curiosity/honesty towards getting to the truth. A 10 second Google search "what cannabis does to your bones - scholarly" yielded the underlying study. Your disinformation comment only illuminates either laziness or an intent to troll to interject disinformation.
      Cannabidiol, a Major Non-Psychotropic Cannabis Constituent Enhances Fracture Healing and Stimulates Lysyl Hydroxylase Activity in Osteoblasts. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2015; DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.2513

    6. Probably too stoned to look it up...

    7. Sources:
      Image: Bernhard Ungerer/Flickr

  2. links not likes... so that we can read the actual report

    1. That is not the only error. Your grammer is horrible too.

    2. HA HA! Righteous grammer nazi says what?

  3. Thanks for hunting that down Stephen, your effort appreciated

  4. Marla SpellenbergMay 12, 2017 at 3:52 PM

    Thank you, also for finding and posting the link.

    I'm always intrigued to read the papers, even if I only understand a minute portion of them.

    Responsible reporting should include links to these papers. Otherwise it just becomes subjective not objective, opinion vs fact.

  5. Having leukemia I'm hoping that they can soon use this legally

    1. Come to Washington. You can buy it legally.

  6. wondering if it is any good for C.O.P.D has anyone heard

    1. Well, it has been scientifically proven that the smoking of marijuana increases lung capacity. It may not be my a huge margin, but and increase is an increase and increased lung capacity and strength will help with COPD.. so in short, I think it could help with COPD but I am no doctor lol.

    2. my son smokes mullein leaves for his asthma. Much cheaper and works better than mj. Plus it is legal everywhere. It also grows wild all over the US. Google a picture and you may find some in a field near you.

    3. Make a tea and drink it works also for asthma and COPD.

    4. ^Anon, getting bigger lung capacity will not help COPD. COPD is caused when the small air pockets in your lungs, called alveoli, break down due to damage from smoking. That causes the lungs to hyperexpand, so total lung capacity increases, but the elastic properties break down, too and you can't exhale properly. You're right in that you're clearly not a doctor.

  7. The federal government needs an enema...

    1. Maybe the swamp that needs draining is larger than we thought

  8. Would certainly like to know the best strains to use.

    1. There are multiple websites that give descriptions of the positive and negative elements of most strains. is one such site.

    2. It depends on your condition, but generally speaking 50% each of THC and CBD is a good balance. The high CBD helps to counter the psychotropic effect of the CBD. Since they each do different things, it is best to have the balance.

    3. oops!! I meant that the high CBD counters the effect of THC.

    4. I tried the 50/50 for my pain issues, but it didn't work. The higher (4/1 to 5/1) ratio of CBD to THC seems to work better for pain. It's been a long trial and error period for me.

  9. I have gastric pareses, a paralysis of the stomach, and I am on 3 nausea medications plus many others.I would love to see some strains that deal with nausea directly.

  10. Guess we have to write down this link, because this page has blocked the ability to highlight & copy.

  11. Marijuana also can CAUSE psychosis. The mechanism of action is the muscle in the middle ear, the stapedius, which is extremely sensitive to chemicals inhaled, ingested, or transmitted through the skin. That muscle works like the hinge on a gate (the stapes, the third bone of hearing) that transmits the higher frequencies of sound into the inner ear and brain. Marijuana relaxes muscle, including these smallest muscles in the body. The right-ear stream of sound energy feeds the left, rational brain. The left-ear stream of sound energy feeds the right, emotional brain. If you deprive the left-brain of its sound energy, the range of mental illnesses appear, from dyslexia through bipolarity and schizophrenia. The left-brain must dominate the right-brain in their integrative processes -- sound energy drives that dominance through asymmetrical routes to the brain and voice (larynx). If you deprive the right-brain of its sound energy, the range of depressions appear, from mild through suicidal. Obviously, smoke from marijuana entering the middle ear (where the stapedius muscle is located) through the Eustachian tubes affects both ears and both halves of the brain. Furthermore, by weakening the ear, the self-control built up by learning experiences in the dominant left-brain is weakened, so the person has much slower, less rational responses to events. That weakening of the ear is cumulative and it weakens all of the muscles in the body (which are controlled by the muscles in the ears). I have two sons whose substance abuse started with marijuana. They likely were born with fragile ear muscles, which also produce genius level features of brain function. But for such people marijuana is a gateway to further substance abuse. One became schizophrenic and remained in that desperate condition for 10 years until I learned that music could exercise his ear muscles and restore his left-brain dominance. His brother struggled heroically with personal issues then used a small amount of a dangerous drug that caused a massive left-brain stroke. He was gravely injured.The government health system provides very little in the way of rehabilitation for such injuries. While marijuana has certain medicinal benefits, the use of music to improve the flow of sound energy to the brain is far more effective and much safer for healing a wide range of illnesses, beyond the specifically "mental" issues I mention. Through a fiber of the vagus nerve on the stapedius muscle, the ear operates as a timing device that controls many body systems.High-frequency music (think violins)is a safer medicine than marijuana.

    1. I can see that if Cannabis is smoked, but many of us make tinctures out of the Cannabis we purchase/grow or vape. With these processes there is low heat or no heating going on, that would normally bring out the THC. Much better for those of us who want the medical benefits and none of the psychoactive elements.

    2. What very interesting information! Thank you. I have been using cannabis to help heal trauma over the last few years. I agree that it turns off the left brain. In my case this helped me get in touch with old psychological wounds and release them, but this did come with a certain amount of unregulated behaviour. I still believe it's a high interesting and useful medicine, however, particularly for artists and writers like myself. It definitely needs to be used carefully, however, and not before the age of 22. Incidentally, you might be interested in the findings of Dr Gabor Mate on cannabis and addiction - there is a video on youtube.

    3. Do you have any links to studies about the effects of cannabis on the middle ear? I've just googled but couldn't find anything. Thank you!

    4. I just did a workshop with Stephen Porges about the Polyvagal system, so this information is very current and valid.

    5. Psychoses like those that lead to writing dense chunks of information without paragraph breaks?

  12. print it to pdf and copy the pdf...

  13. You can get CBD oil from Hemp with virtually no THC in it, and it's legal in every state.

    1. Hmm. Interesting that I bet few of these guys would be fond of that anymore.

    2. Now that Hemp is legal to grow, I am giving it a try so that I can make my own oils, salves, etc. I will probably also try eating or juicing the leaves as I have done with the different Cannabis strains I have grown the past few years. Eating the leaves has completely cured my lifelong IBS, that developed shortly after being poisoned by the OPV, 55+ years ago.

  14. You can get CBD oil from Hemp with virtually no THC in it, and it's legal in every state.

  15. Try this link. I was able to copy and paste.

  16. Unknown......That is something I would love to do and I even have Hemp seeds ready for planting, but when they passed the Cannabis laws in June of 2016 making it legal to grow in CA there was a stipulation, in the law passed, that it cannot be grown in CA, until the Federal Govt legalizes it. Sheesh Prohibition and the "Powers That Be" suck!

    1. Now that Hemp is legal to grow, I am giving it a try so that I can make my own oils, salves, etc. I will probably also try eating or juicing the leaves as I have done with the different Cannabis strains I have grown the past few years. Eating the leaves has completely cured my lifelong IBS, that developed shortly after being poisoned by the OPV, 55+ years ago.

  17. Probably not stoned at all. A real DEA mindset.

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  19. It wasn't reported by Wolf Blitzer or Anderson Pooper so it can't be true

  20. They should be doing tests like this on themselves, not other animals. I'm sure those mice love getting their legs broken in the name of science.

  21. i had no problem copying and pasting the link.

  22. Everything must be researched or checked for facts,this is not rocket science. Openly slamming comments is out of control and becoming rather childish. We should be helping each other not pissing each other off. Fact is: Finding a topic takes seconds while proving facts may take many hours even days. Grammar in general,punctuation,spelling to name a few are a weak point for the majority- stay on topic and please provide any viable links you may find. Thank You! Good Day everyone.


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